Welcome to our website. These are our terms of use of the Site that you may access in a number of ways, including limited to the Internet, cell phones, and RSS feeds. These DMCA apply when you access the site, regardless of how you access the site.
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You can change these terms at any time on the news site. If you use the site (in addition to reading the revised terms) after you have given notice of change, you deemed to have accepted the new terms. The news will post on the site the date these terms and conditions were last modified.
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News may modify, suspend or discontinue the site and/or its functionality and/or at any time without notifying the users of the site, and in any way permitted by law and the remaining conditional content. In addition to these terms and conditions, News is not the responsibility of any user or any third party if they exercise such rights.
In some cases, the site will allow users to access and download specific content on your device. Some such content may not always be available for download in the future and you will not be liable for the news in the circumstances, provided such terms continue to exist.
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